Celebrate the Summer Solstice: When is it and what is its significance?

When is the Summer Solstice?

In 2023, the Summer Solstice falls on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 10:58 A.M. EDT.

What is the Summer Solstice?

In the Northern Hemisphere, the Summer Solstice marks the longest day of the year and is the official start to the summer season. Celebrated annually in cultures and religions around the world, the Summer Solstice is a significant turning point in the solar cycle and marks the height of summer’s warmth, growth, and abundance.

Summer Solstice Celebrations

Throughout the centuries humans believed that on this longest day of the year, the sun wields its strongest power and can be used to protect, heal, and bring good luck. From summer solstice festivities with ancient origins, to the midsummer revels of St. John’s Day in Europe, this point in the year has long been observed with joyful gathering, feasting and reverence. The Summer Solstice was also seen as a time of spiritual reflection and an opportunity to set intentions for the coming months. People still celebrate the Summer Solstice by lighting bonfires, dancing, and creating rituals around this meaningful time. Here in the US, it coincides closely with our Juneteenth and Independence Day observances celebrating the freedoms we enjoy in this country. Americans often spend this time traveling, attending holiday parades, planning BBQs, and tending to their gardens.

This year we will be hosting a Summer Solstice Introductory Middle Eastern Dance Class in The ALMANAC. From the comfort of our own homes, we’ll be joining others online to learn the soothing dance moves and techniques from fellow-ALMANAC member Holly. Sign up to become a member when The ALMANAC enrollment opens in the fall!

Why the Summer Solstice is so Important

The Solstice marks a significant time of the year for farmers and gardeners, as it is the point when crops start to mature and ripen. The long days of light that follow the summer solstice give plants more opportunity to photosynthesise and access vital sunlight; as a result, they create more fruit, vegetables and grains for us to consume. Farmers need to make the most of the days when this sunlight is available, and with many crops taking months to reach maturity, midsummer is the height of the growing season. That goes for us home gardeners, too!

The Summer Solstice is thought to bring about a sense of balance, of renewal and regeneration, as well as carefree abandon. It is a time when nature is in full bloom and the generous abundance of summer is apparent. Many people view the Summer Solstice as a spiritual awakening, a sacred connection to the magic of summer.

At Lady Farmer, we use it as a reminder of the natural cycle of the earth and of how precious moments of joy can be found in the most basic of pleasures. Take this time to honor the never-ending cycle of the sun, to be more mindful of nature and its abundance, and to revel in the beauty of summer.