Lady Farmers Take Flight: Our Launch!

our launch

Here’s the update. Our crowd funding kick-off event last week at Rocklands Farm was not only a success, but a whole lot of fun. And of course, why wouldn’t it be? We were at a beautiful and unique venue, surrounded by dozens of friends, neighbors, well- wishers, Lady Farmers of all descriptions and their supporting menfolk–all who are rooting for us and our mission. We got a great kickstart on our funding which has already enabled us to move on to the next step, but best of all–we feel loved! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Now it gets a little trickier, as we have to move into new territory, on beyond friends of friends, where we have to introduce ourselves, educate, engage, bring on board. We’re going to have to make a lot of noise to wake this sleeping giant. There’s an entire industry out there thriving on mass unconsciousness, breaking the most basic boundaries of decency in economic, environmental and human rights practices– every. single. day.

Lady Farmer is passionate about at least two things in addressing the issue of toxic fast fashion– awareness and alternatives. We believe that one will naturally follow the other, and our efforts are directed to providing both. Awareness is first, and soon to follow is our first line of ethically and sustainably produced goods that contribute to health, balance and fairness from seed to sewn to sold.

our launch

We spoke for a bit in a mid-celebration toast! Educating the crowd about the importance of sustainable and ethical fashion.

We had a few fact sheets displayed at our event the other night. Here are some examples.

The average American discards 82 lbs. of textile waste every year. Most components of these textiles are full of toxic chemicals and never break down.

Most fashion industry laborers are enslaved and exploited, hidden under layers of huge supply chains needed to meet the demands of fast fashion industry brands. All consumers play a role in this system.

The fashion industry is the #2 highest pollutant on the the planet. #1 is oil.

I overheard a comment by someone looking at this.  “I didn’t know that!”

Well now they do–and you do too, if you didn’t know it before now. That’s progress!  So thank you all  for your love and support in helping us get off the ground. The next step is spreading the word to the six degrees of separation and beyond– where true change is driven by awareness, alternatives and the power of our choices.

Also, stay tuned for more events in the area coming up! We’re working hard to get a couple of things lined up in DC and Charlottesville. Shoot us a message if you know of another groups or venues that would like to hear from us!

– Lady Farmer

our launch

our launch
